Catalina Woldarsky
Catalina Woldarsky



Keen Observer of Human Functioning,Psychologist and Yoga Enthusiast

Keen Observer of Human Functioning,Psychologist and Yoga Enthusiast

I’ve always been a keen observer of human functioning, which is why I decided to study psychology. My childhood and adolescence were marked by moving back and forth between my home country, Chile and Canada. That experience of immigration and navigating two cultures led me to delve into the world of introspection and sparked a genuine curiosity about people and their stories, and the universality of the human experience.

In parallel, yoga has been a strong influence in my life. I grew up in a leftist, non-religious family with a strong interest in spirituality. My mother introduced me to yoga and meditation as a teenager, but it wasn’t until I was in graduate school that something shifted for me and I grew hungry for a deeper, more meaningful connection to my Self and to the universe. This is when I discovered yoga.

In 2011, I completed my doctorate degree in clinical psychology at York University in Toronto, Canada. During my studies, I had the privilege of being mentored by Dr. Leslie Greenberg, a renowned psychologist and one of the founders of Emotion-focused Therapy (EFT). EFT offers a refreshing approach to psychotherapy, focusing on one’s lived experience and the felt sense, rather than solely relying on cognitive and past-oriented methods.

While exploring yoga, I realized the profound overlap between yoga and EFT. Both practices emphasize the wisdom and intelligence of the body, enabling us to understand the sensations and emotions that reside within us. In a society that often prioritizes the mind over the body, both EFT and yoga bring a harmonious balance between the two.

My psychotherapy research has focused on understanding how forgiveness unfolds in the context of couple therapy. I have authored academic papers and chapters about forgiveness and emotion in couples, and I co-authored a book to help clinicians understand the power of forgiveness, which outlines how the process unfolds in therapy, based on in-depth, empirical research including my own.

My Sankalpa is to be a vehicle to change and growth for others, and I hope to do that at the intersection of psychotherapy and yoga.

My yoga journey has taken me to India, where I completed my Yoga Teacher Training at the Sivananda Ashram in Kerala in 2011. In 2022, I completed an Advanced Yoga Teacher Training program through Radical Darshan, whose goal is to promote diversity and inclusion in the field of wellness and to reclaim the roots of yoga. I’m honored to have studied with Leila Sadeghee, Jonelle Lewis, Stacie CC Graham, and Kallie Schut as part of the program.

Holding space for your healing journey in Epesses, Switzerland

I am currently based in Epesses, Switzerland, where I work in private practice. I also teach in the counseling department at Webster University, and supervise and train psychotherapists learning EFT. In my free time, I enjoy cycling, being outdoors and spending time with my noisy family, laughing, telling stories, and traveling.

It is an immense privilege for me to hold space for stories of love, loss, and resilience. Witnessing and being part of each client’s healing and growth process is a true honor. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to accompany individuals and couples on their personal journeys of transformation. Thank you.

"I'm not what has happened to me, I am what I've become."

- Carl Jung